ETM Course Podcast
This is a free/FOAMed podcast brought to you by the Emergency Trauma Management (ETM) Course. ETM brings you you the latest in trauma management, trauma education and the interface of trauma with Emergency Medicine. The podcast will bring you interviews with local and international Trauma, Emergency Medicine and Critical Care experts, updates on the latest trauma literature and hot tips you can use to deliver excellent care to your injured patients on your next shift. ETM is an Australian based medical education company. Our flagship course, the Emergency Trauma Management Course has been running in Australia and New Zealand for over a decade. We teach the modern approach to trauma reception and resuscitation focussing on trauma team leadership and team membership, human factors and the most up to date trauma and critical care practice. Find out more about the ETM Course at

Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
In this episode of the ETM Course Podcast we talk to Dr Chris Partyka, Emergency Physician and Prehospital and Retrieval Specialist from Sydney and lead author for the recently published SABRE trial which compared Serratus Anterior Plane Blocks to a standard analgesia package for patients with rib fractures. This was a really well designed and executed study, and the results will be practice changing for anyone who treats trauma patients. In this episode we drill down into the design, execution and results of the study, and discuss the benefits of using this block as well as some tips on how to introduce this procedure into your ED in a structured and safe fashion.
You can access the article here:
Serratus Anterior Plane Blocks for Early Rib Fracture Pain Management The SABRE Randomized Clinical Trial

Thursday Jun 27, 2024
Thursday Jun 27, 2024
We have finally re-booted the ETM Course Podcast after a long hiatus, and for our first episode back we have a very special guest, Dr Christine Bowles. Chris is a FACEM but is also a Trauma Physician working on the inpatient Trauma Service at one of Sydney's Major Trauma Centres. We talk in detail about the evolution of the "Trauma Physician" role and Emergency Physicians working on inpatient trauma services, the skill-mix they bring to the job and some of the challenges of working in a traditionally "surgeons only" niche. Chris also tells us about her exciting work with the University of Sydney developing and launching modules on Major Trauma and Advanced Trauma management, and plans for an upcoming module specifically for those who want to work as inpatient Trauma Physicians, which to date there has been no formal training program for.
Huge thanks to Chris for being our first guest on the new-look, reinvigorated ETM Course Podcast!
If you're interested in taking your trauma knowledge and skills to the next level, check out these units from the Masters of Critical Care at University of Sydney.
CRIT5016: Major Trauma Management
CRIT5019: Advanced Trauma Management